1. Compare and contrast your life pre-COVID 19 and post-COVID 19. What has changed in your environment? In your life?
2. Tell me about how your relationships have changed since you’ve been quarantining, isolating, and social distancing. What do you like about the changes in your relationships? What do you dislike?
3. How has your relationship with food changed?
4. How has your relationship with your body changed?
5. How do you feel about how you’re spending your days?
6. What are you learning about yourself during this time?
7. What changes that are coming out of this do you want to keep? What are you yearning to return to?
8. What has this taught you about your values (what really matters to you in how you live your life)? What values are you more connected to now that you’re not running around as much? Are there values you’re more disconnected to right now?
9. How has your sleep changed? How do you feel in your body?
10. What kind of old memories are coming up for you at this time? Anything you haven’t thought about in a long time?
11. What are your biggest fears and worries right now? How are these fears and worries affected you? How are you coping?
12. What are the simple pleasures you’re enjoying right now?